I’m sorry

Something happened a few weeks ago that made work incredibly difficult. Working on photos from home wasn’t bad but social media became impossible. I didn’t want to write about it because it wasn’t business related but it has become related by affecting the way I’ve run things these past few weeks.

Three weeks ago a friend passed away. We’ve had time to prepare because he was given a few months to live four or five years ago but that, that didn’t seem to help anyone. I honestly didn’t expect it to get to me very much. He was a great man, that’s not it, it’s just…it’s just hard to explain.

All of a sudden I didn’t want to talk to people or have anyone touch me. And I couldn’t focus on anything any more. Being happy – or at least pretending to be – by sharing photos on Facebook or Instagram and writing a blog post was hard to even wrap my mind around. For some reason I’ve also felt like I wasn’t close enough to him any more to be affected so strongly. So, I haven’t been saying much about it to anyone. But I know that’s kind of silly. And, to be honest, things still aren’t great for me. I’m not sure why exactly. I just can’t snap out of it. I’m pretty sure it’s by the grace of God that I’ve had the focus and strength to finish editing photos and to be present and professional while on location. It’s definitely not by my own strength.

I know I don’t have to say sorry for not being present on social media but, I am. I’m sorry that I haven’t been my usual self and that things like this happen to people. I’m sorry if you’re hurting and going through something right now. I’m sorry that life doesn’t seem fair sometimes and that there doesn’t seem to be anything we can do about it. Im sorry.

“Instead of asking ‘Why?’ try asking ‘What now?'” – Jeff Crozier (possibly in more elaborate words but that’s how my brain translated it)


Bettcher Family

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I would like to introduce you to the Bettchers. You may have already seen them in my last post. I got a last minute call to do a family photo shoot at Idlewild Park over Thanksgiving weekend. Little did I know most of the family didn’t know either but it went perfectly! The kids were happy, the adults got involved, and the photos turned out great! I can’t say much about this family because I don’t know most of them. The couple I do know, however, are incredible. They are friendly, supportive, hard working, caring, and involved in their community. Their children are sweet, smart, and have big hearts. It was a pleasure taking these photos for them.


Wedding and more family photos to come!



Family Photos

I love taking photos at random moments during photo shoots. You never know what you’re going to get. Many are absolutely horrible and you don’t want to let your client see them but sometimes they’re just fun. Everyone getting into position, making sure they look good, or goofing around before looking good for the photo. To me that’s them looking good. Them being themselves. The true family.



And so it begins (the next part anyway)

I have made so many phone calls and sent so many emails this week trying to find the people who were recommended for this project. I have a half a dozen interviews set up for the next week and then a dozen the following two.

I’m very excited to be leaving my desk and meeting people but this is the make it or break it part. The part that isn’t only based on me but still is. I need to be a fantastic interviewer with the right questions, the quick mind and then get the perfect photo.


Here I go,




Short post today because all I’ve been doing for days is going through the list of recommendations for Mountains of Personality. I am overwhelmed by the amount of people that have been recommended for this project. Some of the names I know but many I don’t. I’ve been trying to go through the list of names and narrow it down but there are just so many people! I didn’t expect this many so I don’t have a narrowing down process. It’s been a lot of looking up names, trying to get contact information, making phone calls, and just going full Nancy Drew all over this list. But I don’t feel like I’m making it very far.

Wish me luck!




Well, I’ve received 70+ responses to the survey and now it’s time to start interviewing people. My plan is to visit the farther communities first so that I have less travelling to do in the snowy months.

I’m still excited to do this project but I’m also very nervous. I’m not only nervous to interview people or about the fact that I have to introduce myself to a ton of people and explain what I’m doing. I’m also nervous about representing people, taking good photos and putting it all together well. I’m not good with unknowns and right now, right now there are hundreds.

First step? Make one phone call and get the ball rolling.

Wish me luck!



Crozier Family

The Crozier family was all together for a morning of laughs, photos, and a ton of bugs before Zac went back to school.


We did the shoot on Dee-Anne’s parents’ property because it holds a very special place in her heart. She has many memories of the machine 170819_Crozier_004filled yard and green field. While it made for a great background for the shoot it came with many flies and wasps. The family did great ignoring the bugs but the little white dots floating between them and I were just a little annoying in post processing.

This family is incredible. Jeff and Dee-Anne are the type of people who would do anything for you. Last year I ended up in the hospital and Jeff came to see me while I was in the ER. We had no idea what was going on yet but he was there if I needed anything. After my surgery Dee-Anne came up to pretty much just sit in my room until I was calm and comfortable being alone. They work so incredibly hard to not necessarily please everyone but to be there for as 170819_Crozier_002many people as possible.

Each Crozier kid has a different but similar personality. They each have a million faces and unique personalities but all a little goofy – okay, maybe a lot goofy! Although their lives are in different places they are all working towards their future: Madi is entering Grade 11, Zac is headed to Bethal School of Supernatural Ministry to do a third year internship, and Andrew is currently entering his second year of business at the College of the Rockies.

It was a lot of fun taking these photos. If you’d like to see some more they will be on Facebook shortly. If you’d like to book your own family photos you can reach me through my website or at 250-421-4363




CBC Interview

I was checking my email and Facebook messages the other day when I noticed I had been contacted by Alya Ramadan from Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Kelowna. I called her back and was told that the day’s planning was super busy with the BC wildfires but that she’d like to talk to me the next morning. She said it was about my photography project. I had no idea how she heard about it but I was immensely excited!

Alya called me back the following morning. We talked about the project for a little bit and I guess she decided it was worth mentioning on the radio because she asked if she could call me back that evening to do a live interview! I would be at work but okay-ed it with my boss to step aside for a few minutes to take the call. I thought I’d be so nervous but I was just so excited to talk about this project!

I think it went really well. If you’d like to hear it you can follow this link to the CBC Radio West Page. It should play automatically for you but if things change it was the 4-5pm show on August 2nd. I’m not on until 40 minutes in so feel free to skip forward 😉

There is still time to take the survey if you’d like as well. Simply click HERE



We need your help!

Remember that project I mentioned a few weeks back? The one I was given a grant for from the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance? Well, it’s time to get the ball rolling! And for that we need a lot of input from people who live in the East Kootenay!

The project is going to focus on people who stand out in the East Kootenay: Cranbrook, Kimberley, Radium, Invermere, Jaffray, Wasa, Fernie, Sparwood, Elkford, Elko, Canal Flats, Wardner, Moyie, Bull River, Fairmont, and so many places in between. We will be travelling the area talking to and photographing community members and then returning, in the spring, to many of the towns to share the final project.

As someone who grew up in the Kootenays I have a pretty good idea of the towns themselves but my social circles in them are fairly small. I’m definitely going to need help figuring out who should be included in the project. So, I created a survey. This survey is made to give suggestions and lead your mind to think about people in multiple areas of the community. You don’t have to fill in each question or give only one response per question.  It’s also set up so that you can do the survey as many times as you’d like. This way you can give suggestions for multiple towns.

If  you wouldn’t mind, perhaps you could share the survey on any social media, through email, and/or by telling someone about it. I need as many responses as soon as possible to really get an understanding of who to start contacting.

Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/C599Y2K
Link to this blog:
(There are also multiple sharing options for this blog at bottom of page)

I am so excited to do this project! There are so many aspects that will be difficult but I’m really looking forward to meeting some of the amazing people that make our area what it is. To follow along as the project progresses you can subscribe to this blog (enter email in box top right of this page) or follow me on Facebook or Instagram

Click here to take the survey!

Thanks in advance for helping with this project,




Grant = Project!

I am so excited to announce that I have been approved funding by the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance for a project that I proposed earlier this year!

Throughout the next year I will be traveling to towns in the East Kootenay capturing photos specific to the project and then returning to those towns to display the final outcome. I will share details of the project soon (some details still need to be finalized) as I will need community participation.

I am so excited to take this on as a new business and someone who was born and raised in the area.

